Generative AI
In very simple terms, artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer system that can perform tasks typically performed by humans. One form of artificial intelligence is the large language model (LLM), which is a system that can process language, as well as software code, molecules, images, and a variety of other data types (IBM, n.d.). LLMs serve as the foundation for "AI chatbots" like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, and Socratic. These tools are referred to as AI chatbots because they’re capable of conversing with the user at a level that closely simulates human communication.
Introduced in fall 2022, the generative artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT has caused a major stir within academia because of its ability to generate text that is difficult to distinguish from human writing. This page provides resources to learn about ChatGPT, how to detect its use, and how instructors have been trying to meet the challenges it raises.
St. Kate's Artificial Intelligence Advisory Group (AIAG)
The AIAG is a diverse team of faculty, staff, and students that aims to support the St. Kate’s community in exploring AI-driven enhancements for teaching, learning, and academic innovation. AIAG's goal is to educate, empower, and engage our community in understanding the evolving AI landscape, with a focus on social justice and the humanities.
The AIAG group is organized into four specialized Task Forces focused on advancing key AI initiatives:
- Developing academic policies on AI.
- Creating an AI training series.
- Exploring academic and administrative AI tools.
- Hosting AI-focused discussion roundtables.
Learn more about the AI Advisory Group and its initiatives by visiting the AIAG site.
Generative AI Training Course
This course, developed at St. Kate's, prepares you to use the Turnitin AI Detector tool effectively so you can interpret its results to avoid false accusations and respond appropriately to possible misconduct.
Generative AI Resources
Please review the selection of generative AI resources below.
- What is Generative AI and what does it do?
Generative AI: How It Works, History, and Pros and Cons (Investopedia, 5/26/23).
Generative AI Defined: How It Works, Benefits and Dangers (Tech Republic, 8/7/23).
What Is ChatGPT? What Is Stable Diffusion? Generative AI Jargon, Explained (Fast Company, 12/26/22).
- How to Use ChatGPT: Everything You Need to Know (ZDNET, 7/23/23).
- Teaching Resources for Generative AI
General AI Teaching Resources
AI and ChatGPT in Teaching: Context and Strategies (Google doc from Center for Educational Innovation, University of Minnesota, 4/23).
The Homework Apocalypse (Ethan Mollick, 7/1/23; highly recommend subscribing to his blog, One Useful Thing).
Practical Responses to ChatGPT and Other Generative AI (Montclair State University).
Updating your Academic Integrity Policy in the Age of AI (Turnitin).
Academic Integrity in the Age of AI (Full suite of resources provided by Turnitin).
AI in Higher Education: Opportunities & Challenges - Slide presentation from the Fall 2024 Faculty-Staff Institute.
Addressing Generative AI with Students
How Should We Talk to Students About AI? (Monash University).
Discussion Starters for Tough Conversations about AI (Turnitin).
Approaching a Student Regarding Potential AI Misuse (Turnitin).
AI Conversations: Handling False Positives for Educators (Turnitin).
Preparing Assignment Prompts in the Age of AI
Designing Assignments and Activities with ChatGPT and Generative AI in Mind (NC State University).
Artifice and Intelligence: Designing Writing Assignments in the Age of AI (Slideshow from Salve Regina University).
Embrace the Bot: Designing Writing Assignments in the Face of AI (Eric Prochaska, Faculty Focus Blog).
Five Ways to Prepare Writing Assignments in the Age of AI (Turnitin).
Turnitin AI Misuse Rubric (Turnitin - How high is the potential for AI misuse on your writing assignment prompt?).
- Turnitin AI Misuse Checklist (Turnitin - Prepare your assignments for the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by reviewing and revising writing prompts before sharing with students).
- Detecting Generative AI in Student Work
Using Turnitin to Detect Generative AI (ChatGPT) (Authored by Brad Thames).
AI Writing Detection (Turnitin).
One Piece at a Time: Solving the AI Writing Puzzle (Turnitin).
- GPTZero (website).
- Presentation Archives
- Using AI Effectively Panel - Video [1:01:28] (Association of Colleges of Sisters of St. Joseph, 11/2024).
- AI in Higher Education: Opportunities & Challenges - Slide presentation from the Fall 2024 Faculty-Staff Institute.
- What Does ChatGPT Teach us about Teaching? - Video, part 1 [1:13:33] (St. Catherine University, 9/07/23).
- What Does ChatGPT Teach us about Teaching? - Video, part 2 [1:26:24] (St. Catherine University, 9/21/23).
- Using AI Effectively Panel - Video [1:01:28] (Association of Colleges of Sisters of St. Joseph, 11/2024).